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Redaktion ACT


Please find 1) Announcements, 2) Call for Papers and 3) Call for Articles in separate sections (see below).
1. Announcements


Ludomusicology Conference, 12-13 April 2013, Liverpool University

The Ludomusicology research group will be hosting a two day conference on video game audio to take place on the 12th and 13th of April, 2013 at Liverpool University. Building upon the foundation of last year’s successful RMA Study Day, the conference will include research papers and discussion workshops.

Please read our Call for Papers (PDF) and help spread the word!  (Further details on our website).

The theme of this year’s conference: 'challenges and innovations'. We have chosen this theme to seek to investigate the challenges that face both game audio practitioners and analysts, and the innovations of technology and scholarship that seek to deal with these challenges.

You can contact us via our website at http://www.ludomusicology.org or by email at ludomusicology@gmail.com.

Organizers: James Barnaby, Jemima Cloud, Michiel Kamp, Tim Summers, Mark Sweeney. Hosted by Anahid Kassabian, James and Constance Alsop Chair of Music, University of Liverpool.


Conference: Functional Sounds. Auditory Culture and Sound Concepts in Everyday Life, 4-6 October 2013, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin

For further Information please visit the conference website.


Conference: Wagner World Wide:Reflections, 12-15 December 2013, Bayreuth/Thurnau and Nürnberg

In recognition of composer Richard Wagner’s (1813-1883) bicentennial in 2013, the Forschungsinstitut für Musiktheater (fimt) at the University of Bayreuth is organizing a multi-year series of events to take place around the world under the general heading WagnerWorldWide 2013 (WWW 2013). This will culminate in an international conference WagnerWorldWide: Reflections to be held at the Forschungsinstitut für Musiktheater (Schloss Thurnau) and Staatstheater Nürnberg.

 For more information, Anno Mungen's introduction to the project:“WagnerWorldWide: An Introduction” or visit the Conference website.



2. Call for Papers


CfP: The Staging of Verdi and Wagner Operas, 13-15 September 2013,Pistoia (Italy)

The Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini of Lucca, the Palazzetto Bru Zane – Centre de musique romantique française of Venice and the Association Amici di Groppoli are pleased to invite submissions of proposals for the symposium The Staging of Verdi & Wagner Operas, to be held in Pistoia, from Friday 13 to Sunday 15 September 2013. For further information: http://www.luigiboccherini.org/staging.html.

Organized in conjunction with the bicenteray of the birth of Giuseppe Verdi and Richard Wagner, this conference aims to deepen the existing understanding of opera staging through examination of the the works of these two composers, focusing on the economical, sociological and technological factors connected with opera production. The conference also welcomes studies on staging, with a particular focus on visual aspects and their relationship with theatrical space: the tradition of establishing each visual element in writing (like the livret de mise en scène in France or the disposizioni sceniche in Italy) reflects the importance that staging had acquired during the nineteenth century in the sphere of musical drama. 

The official languages of the conference are English, French, German and Italian. Papers selected at the conference will be published in a miscellaneous volume. Papers are limited to twenty minutes in length, allowing time for questions and discussion. Please submit an abstract of no more than 500 words and one page of biography.

All proposals should be submitted by email no later than Sunday 14 April 2013 to conferences@luigiboccherini.org. For any additional information, please contact: Dr. Roberto Illiano, conferences@luigiboccherini.org, www.luigiboccherini.org


CfP: Audio Mostly 2013. On interaction with sound, 18-20 September 2013, Piteå (Sweden)

Audio in all its forms holds tremendous potential for interaction design. Sound can engage, inform, convey narrative, dramatize, create attention, affection and adventure. However, the abilities to interact with computer systems through and with sound are still not sufficiently explored. The Audio Mostly Conference provides a venue to explore and promote the untapped potential of audio for interaction design by bringing together audio experts, content creators, interaction designers, behavioural researchers and others.

The theme this year is "Sound for Information and Intuition". The theme covers ways sound can be used to play a different role in the future compared to now. How can sound for example be used in new ways and contexts to convey information and to put the listeners'/users' intuition in play. How can we tap into users' knowledge about and experience of how things sound to convey information in new ways? How can we design human-machine interfaces that can be used more effortlessly, interfaces that use sounds to convey information subtly, without demanding the users full conscious attention? Contributions addressing the use of sound and sonic interaction design in potential future fields are encouraged.

The Audio Mostly conference is interested in sound interaction design in general, is strongly interdisciplinary and provides a space for alternative creative approaches. Hence, prospective contributions are not limited to narrow themes.

Contact: Inger Ekman <inger.ekman@uta.fi>; Deadline for paper submission - May 3, 2013; Notification of acceptance - June 14, 2013; Camera-ready paper submission - July 19  


CfP: Symposion "Wagner and Us", 6–8 December 2013,Univ. of Melbourne

Scheduled to coincide with the performances of Wagner’s Der Ring des Nibelungen in Melbourne, 18 November–13 December 2013, the symposium “Wagner and Us” will explore and critique Richard Wagner’s continuing cultural, political, and historical importance to contemporary society. The symposium, convened by Professor Kerry Murphy, is jointly hosted by The University of Melbourne, Monash University, and The Richard Wagner Society in Melbourne.

Topics to be covered include Wagner in Australia, Wagner and Anti-Semitism, Wagner in the Theatre, and the ‘Wagner Industry’, and others.

Invited Keynote Speakers include Slavoj Žižek (UK/Slovenia), Patrick Carnegy (UK), Eva Rieger (Germany), and Hans Vaget (USA).

Researchers are invited to submit proposals for papers of 20 minutes to be followed by 10 minutes discussion. Please note: as there are no parallel sessions only a limited number of papers will be accepted.

Proposals consisting of a title and abstract of no more than 250 words (in English) should be submitted by e-mail to the organising committee at submissions@wagnerandus.com.au  by 30 September 2012.  Acceptance of papers will be advised by 30 November 2012.  It is anticipated that a Conference Proceedings will be published.



3. Call for Articles


CfA (Reminder): Thurnauer Preis für Musiktheaterwissenschaft

Zum vierten Mal in der Geschichte des Forschungsinstituts für Musiktheater (fimt) an der Universität Bayreuth wird der Thurnauer Preis für Musiktheaterwissenschaft ausgelobt. Eingesandt werden können bereits veröffentlichte oder noch unveröffentlichte Aufsätze und Essays zu allen relevanten Themenbereichen: von der Oper zum Musical, vom Vaudeville oder der Revue zum Musik-Film und zur Filmmusik, vom Ballett über das Tanztheater zur Tanzperformance, von der Aufführungs-Analyse zur Analyse von Partituren oder Libretti (Einsendeschluss: 30. Mai 2013). Der Aufsatz sollte 18.000-27.000 Zeichen (ca. 10-15 Seiten) umfassen und nicht älter als zwei Jahre sein. Er kann auf Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch oder Italienisch verfasst sein. Der Preis besteht aus einem Geldpreis von 1500,- € und einer Einladung ins fimt zur offiziellen Preisverleihung.

Bei weiteren Fragen wenden Sie sich an: melanie.fritsch@uni-bayreuth.de.


CfA (Reminder): Thurnau Award for Music Theatre Studies

Submissions are now being accepted for the Thurnau Award for Music Theatre Studies for young scholars which will be awarded the fourth time in 2013. We are looking for modern, creative and outstanding methodological approaches in music theatre studies, trying to encourage interesting topics in neglected fields of research. Please send in your stimulating academic article from 18.000-27.000 characters incl. blank spaces (10-15 pages) which can be written in English, German, French or Italian (Submission deadline: May 30th 2013). The essay may just be prepared for publication or already be published (not longer than 2 years ago). The Award consists of a cash gift of 1500,- € and of an invitation to the Thurnau Institute (fimt), where the award will be presented to the winner.

For further informations please contact: melanie.fritsch@uni-bayreuth.de


CfA - Gli spazi della musica 2013

Gli spazi della musica is a biannual online journal published by the Department of Humanities at the Università degli Studi di Torino (StudiUm); it is based on a process of blind peerreviewing (ISSN 2240-7944).

For further information: http://www.ojs.unito.it/index.php/spazidellamusica/index(please choose English Language)

It aims at studying the impact of music on other disciplines, exploring relationships and rethinking boundaries, in an interdisciplinary perspective. Main research fields are musicology, comparative studies, music dramaturgy, performance, and gender studies.

Gli spazi della musica is divided into two main sections: the first, called Saggi, comprises Ricercari, a series of free papers on basic topics of musicological research, and Variazioni, a series of papers on a given theme to examine a specific topic. The second section, called Strumenti, has a practical and teaching function.

The editorial board actively encourages authors to submit contributions for the upcoming issues, for both parts in the first section, the Ricercari on free themes, and the Variazioni on a given theme.

The theme for the Variazioni in the two issues of 2013 is Sounding bodies: spaces, identities, relationships.

Deadlines for all types of contributions (Ricercari and Variazioni), according to the Author guidelines on the website (Linee guida per gli autori) and provided with an abstract of 600 characters: 31 January 2013 for the first issue, 30 June 2013 for the second one.

Papers must be submitted to the address glispazidellamusica.lettereefilosofia@unito.it.

Supported languages are Italian, English, French, German, and Spanish.


